The Mackinaw Canoe Club offers a variety of different outings throughout the year. Click here to see their Meetup Group page.
Bushwhacker is the one stop shop for all of your outdoor gear. Click here to see a list of events they put on each month from their store.
Click here to see a list of the trail races put on by the Central Illinois Trail Runners Association. (CITRA)
They run some fun things throughout the year as well as the big Bike and Brew event in the spring.
Click here to see a list of area mountain bike races put on by the Peoria Area Mountain Bike Association (PAMBA)
Is hiking your thing? Click here to see a list of upcoming hikes organized by the local Meetup group for varying levels and lengths of hikes throughout the year.
Here's a list of different road rides and races supported by the Illinois Valley Wheelmen . They offer an extensive list of varying levels of rides.
Another Meetup group organized to promote different types of bike rides throughout central Illinois
Pour Bros Tap Room, the first pour your own microbrew in Illinois, hosts some of the best and biggest live music gatherings every Sat night during warmer temps.
Click on the link below to read an article in National Geographic that called out Peoria for being a great adventure town.
ShaZam Racing is another great attribute of the Running Central business, and promotes many of the local races throughout the area.
Check out the Illinois River Valley Orienteering Club calendar of events for upcoming outings!
The Peoria Ski Club hosts a number of events to keep you busy this winter-both nearby as well as across the country. Click here to see their upcoming events.